Little of this carried over to the current console versions sadly, but maybe Beamdog can implement modding capabilities down the line.
The amount of creativity this game inspired is staggering, and all these years later, the modding community remains one of PC gaming’s largest and most active. Each one is essentially a player-built MMO, albeit smaller scaled ones. On top of that, and in addition to the standard single-player options, there are also the Persistent Worlds (currently only fully available on PC with a handful compatible for Switch). It’s easy to get lost in the number of classes, feats, and skills, and the sheer number of options during gameplay can be overwhelming.

It’s one of the most faithful and complete attempts to convert an entire ruleset to a video game, and thus one of the most complex. This game is old and, unlike its Infinity Engine brothers, it shows.įor anyone unfamilar with the game, Neverwinter Nights takes the 3rd edition of ruleset of Dungeons & Dragons and builds a game around it. A fundamental redesign of core game design would be required, work which is far outside the scope of what Beamdog is willing or perhaps even capable of doing. Their efforts were valiant, but this game is too clunky and unpolished to be ported with just some UI work. Sadly, whatever dark magic they were using has dried up as the console port of Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition is a mess.

This unexpected success gave me hope that maybe lightning could strike twice. It’s one of the most impressive ports I’ve ever seen, and turned PC classics into fun and playable console experiences. Together, Skybound and Beamdog accomplished the impossible with the console release of the Baldur’s Gate Saga.